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About Us

Importance of Financial Stability

Poverty has been one of the major causes of many problems across the world. Global challenges like health, international and regional securities, socio-economic development are all directly linked to poverty. One of the major reason behind this is the policies and monitory processes that has led to an uneven distribution of wealth among the classes. Policies in which one group has become rich every day, while another group has fallen below the poverty standards.

As per statistic of the world bank , 1.1 billion people which is 10% of the world population is living at 1.9 USD per day. Statistics show that 750 million people have come out of poverty line and earning above USD 1.9, but that too is not enough to have a standard lifestyle. Many governments, corporates are working side by side to improve the living standards of people. Keeping these statistics in mind CCIXER inception was based upon Collective Cooperative Intelligence Multiply with Experience, that leads to knowledge and skilled based financial stability

CCIXER Mission 

To help every individual across the globe to achieve financial stability through active participation in learning and spreading latest skillset, knowledge, and experience


To become a company which will improve the socio-economic standard of every person living in the society through transfer of knowledge 

About Us

CCIXER Inc. is Fin-Tech Company, established in 2016 to provide solutions to students, professionals and general public, resulting in financial stability. CCIXER utilizes the knowledge, skill, experience of every person and channelize it to a positive synergy which can help everyone in achieving financial stability. CCIXER contribute in to this process in the following ways:

  • Provide opportunities for Professional to transfer their knowledge, skills and experience.
  • Provide opportunities to students to learn new skills from expert
  • Polishing and Investing in the business ideas of students that generally develops after completing the programs
  •  Manage the finances of all the registered members through our partner JP Morgan, and giving 1.8 Million USD till end of Program for their services

“A financially Stable life is a Stable life”